Institut für Fabrikanlagen und Logistik Forschung Publikationen
A Genetic Algorithm for the Dynamic Management of Cellular Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems

A Genetic Algorithm for the Dynamic Management of Cellular Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems

Kategorien Konferenz (reviewed)
Jahr 2023
Autorinnen/Autoren Maier, J. T.; Schmidt, M.; Galizia, F. G.; Bortolini, M.; Ferrari, E.
Veröffentlicht in In: Sustainable Design and Manufacturing: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (SDM 2022). Scholz, S. G., Howlett, R. J.; Setchi, R. (Hrsg.). Springer Singapur, S. 21-32 12 S. (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies; Band 338)